Friday, April 18, 2014

Wanderlust: Volume One

Today, I'm introducing a new series on my blog: Wanderlust.

I have a habit of wandering around aimlessly, sometimes for hours. I'm inherently bound to escape, I suppose. I walk around my neighborhood and reflect, just letting my mind and feet do what they will. I decided it would be neat to share my OOTDs from these walks and the playlist I listen to while on them.

But first, here's what I wore :)

Dress: A gift from a friend
Hat: Target
Boots: Kenneth Cole

Also, here's what I listened to! Seeing as I live in a big, urban city, music is definitely necessary to drown out the mobs of cars and people. My music takes me to a whole different place... Is that a little too cheesy? 

Anywho, this playlist is kind of gloomy, a little somber. It was one of those days, I guess.
  1. Shallot - Emilie Autumn
  2. Opheliac - Emilie Autumn
  3. Swallow - Emilie Autumn
  4. Heavy in Your Arms - Florence & the Machine
  5. Pretty - Kidneythieves
  6. Crazy - Kidneythieves
  7. After All That, It's Come to This - Amos the Transparent
  8. She Wasn't Lying - Amos the Transparent
  9. Lacrimosa - Mozart
  10. Requiem - Mozart
  11. Kagami - Kanon Wakeshima
There'll definitely be more volumes of the Wanderlust series coming up soon!

Stay beautiful, 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Book Review: The Secret

Hello, all! Happy Spring Break to those of you who are on it, and happy plain-ol'-spring to the rest of you!

Today, I'm going to be doing something a little different: a book review. I read, who'd have thought?

The other day, I finished reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It's a rather popular read among the self-help/psychotherapy communities. My father bought it for me, and I've learned quite a bit from it.

Overview: Before I go into my thoughts on the book, let me first describe what it's about. Essentially, the "secret" is the law of attraction--like attracts like. Our thoughts attract like consequences, i.e. if we think negatively, then negative things occur. The book goes in detail about how, in order to receive positivity in our lives, we must first radiate positive thoughts into the Universe. I know it sounds a bit hippy-dippy, but it actually has good, quantitative evidence supporting it. The Secret is a great self-help advice book that includes quotes from both renowned medical professionals and everyday people whose lives have been substantially improved upon learning the secret. It goes through the proper methods people must take if they desired true success and happiness. It does not take any specific perspective--e.g. one based around a religious or spiritual belief--so the lessons can be applied to nearly anyone.

Thoughts: A few chapters in, I was quite taken by the Secret. To me, the information did make sense; quantum physics does exist, after all. The book itself is quite an easy read, so it's extremely easy to comprehend. By carrying out the lessons taught in the book, it seems rather plausible that people can achieve whatever they desire. That being said, some chapters are a bit dry, and others seem to drone longer than they should--a good portion of the book is mere common sense. However, these few chapters do not deteriorate from the book's overall value. I learned a great deal reading The Secret, and I think it was a helpful time investment into my future.

Rating: I would give The Secret an 7/10 because of those chapters I described above and some parts of the philosophy that I don't necessarily agree with. Other than that, the book is a pleasant, light, read, and I would highly recommend it to anyone struggling with personal issues or to anyone who simply wants more success in life (and who wouldn't want that?). Being only 198 pages long, it's not time-consuming and is interesting enough to finish to the end.

That's it for this post! To anyone who's given this book a read, do comment below and share your thoughts. Is anyone considering reading it after my review? Also, how did you like my format? :) Should I continue writing more? Let me know!

Take care, and as always,

Stay beautiful,

Friday, April 4, 2014

Urban Vamp

Happy Saturday, everyone!

So it seems that Urban Vamp is the best way to describe my outfit today. My sleeves are so poofy, it looks like I have shoulder tumors. No big deal.

Am I melodramatic or what?

I feel compelled to put a hand in my pocket when wearing pants.

Blouse: Vintage
Pants: Forever 21
Shoes: Reflection

I got lots of compliments today! Must be the shoulders.

Stay beautiful,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Lifestyle Challenge

It's already April, everyone! Can you even believe that?

Speaking as a high school junior, it's scary how fast time is moving! April means next month is the month of AP testing, and next year is my senior year. The year after that will be my first year in college! That's both exciting and frightening to think about.

This month's lifestyle challenge is in celebration and appreciation of how fast time is passing. We should always remember to cherish each day, and with that being said, the April Lifestyle Challenge is:

    be thankful every day.

Not to be morbid, but you really never know when a breath could be your last, so it's essential to be thankful for each and every day you are given. Let's all take every day this month to be thankful for something--be it your house, your significant other, your dinner--anything that helps you appreciate your life a little bit more.

Good luck, and as always,

Stay beautiful,