Monday, October 6, 2014

Get That Style: PREPPY

Hello, all!

Today I'm going to give you guys some tips on how to achieve that good, old-fashioned "preppy" style. I channel inspiration from this style so often; it just seems natural for me to do a post about it.

For those of you that are unaware of what this style is, think of the generic, Catholic schoolgirl look mixed with a country club and a Shetland pony. I don't know how to make it any clearer than that.

Without further adieu, let's get started with necessities for the Preppy Girl style:

One of the main, if not the most popular, prints associated with preppy style is plaid. You can't go wrong with the classic red, but feel free to add your own twist by using different colored, or even multi-colored plaid. Plaid is mostly seen in skirts and pants, but I also see it in shirts, dresses, accessories, and sometimes outerwear.

Plaid - Preppy Essential
Pleated Skirts
What's a preppy schoolgirl to do without her pleated skirt? These are seen in both plaid and solid colors (I happen to have both in my own wardrobe!). I love seeing them paired with knee-high socks and Mary Janes for that authentic school uniform look.

Pleated Skirts - Preppy Essential
Cable-Knit Sweater
If you live in an area where the temperature is usually hot, like god-forsaken Los Angeles, this staple may not be practical for you. However, some brands do make thin sweaters that still have a cable knit texture to them. Get your hands on those rarities while you can!
Sweaters - Preppy

Perfect with your cable-knit sweater, an item with a nice collar is definitely a preppy necessity. Depending on what climate you live in, get yourself either a long or short-sleeved collared shirt. Collars also come commonly on dresses, like mine below. I can't get enough of collars; there are so many options to choose from, and they all just happen to look adorable!
Collars - Preppy

Oxfords and Mary Janes
The two essential shoe styles for preps are oxfords (which look like lace-up jazz shoes) and Mary Janes (flats with a strap). Every prep owns one of each. Every. Single. One. I happen to have two of each, no big deal.
Shoes - Preppy
Marni galaxy shoes (leopard)
Mary jane (pink)

I remember when I went through my ~dark~ phase in middle school, I would always make fun of preps and what they stood for. This post is kind of in dedication to me evolving into a more tolerant, rational human being.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

5 Basic Beauty Tips

Hello, all!

I haven't done a beauty post in a while, so here are some simple rules that I think everyone should follow:

That's my handwriting! I know, it's almost too exciting.

1. Never pop your pimples.
This one seems pretty self-explanatory, but I admit that I'm guilty for it pretty much every week! I hate seeing acne, and I sometimes can't help but pick at my blemishes. But it's a bad habit to have, since popping zits only irritates the skin more and increases the amount of time it takes for them to heal. This is a reminder to you and me both to stop popping pimples!

2. Wear facial moisturizer with at least 15 SPF everyday.
Even on cold or overcast days, the sun always strikes your skin when you're outside. That's why we have to protect it with sunscreen! Many moisturizers (and even foundations and powders) have SPF, but you should still check to make sure. I would even take this one step further and say that you should wear sunscreen on your body everyday, but perhaps I'm just a tad overzealous when it comes to skincare.

3. Always take off your makeup at the end of the day.
I'm guilty of breaking this rule too, but it's so important! Before you go to bed, even if you're too lazy to wash your face, at least take off your makeup. You don't want to go to sleep with all that dirt and excess oil on your face. Not taking off your makeup irritates your pores and makes it more likely for you to get pimples.

4. Exfoliate your skin once a week.
Exfoliation is great for your face; by removing your dead skin cells, you're allowing your skin to repair more quickly, leaving silky-smooth skin. You can purchase facial scrubs and exfoliants at beauty stores, but I always use the DIY method of mixing olive oil and sugar! Massage your skin with a scrub for about a minute, rinse, and apply your regular skin regimen. Exfoliating just once can do wonders for your face.

5. Don't wash your hair everyday.
Many people already know how important this is, but for those of you who are unaware, washing your hair strips it of its natural oils. You need a moderate amount in your scalp to keep your hair soft and smooth. Most hairstylists suggest you should wash at most every other day. You can always substitute a dry shampoo for the days you skip washing your hair; I typically put my hair up or curl it when it's dirty. Still not convinced? Not washing your hair everyday saves the planet! By saving the water you would've used washing your hair, you're saving about two gallons of water. In short, dirty hair saves the world!