Monday, August 25, 2014

Fashion Pet Peeves

Today's post is going to be kind of a rant. There are a lot of things that annoy me within the fashion industry, so allow me to just dump all of my complaints on you.

1. Redundant brand names
I really, really hate when designers come out with brands named after themselves (e.g. Marc by Marc Jacobs or Michael by Michael Kors). I find it so annoying. Clearly, if your name comes right after the word "by," you don't need to re-state your name in the damn brand! Couldn't these designers think of anything any more creative? Come on, man.

2. Blatantly overpriced garments
To quote Macklemore, "I'm like 'Yo, that's $50 for a t-shirt.'" I understand that when I'm buying a designer brand, I'm going to pay more than I would if I were buying a regular retail brand. However, when designers charge over $100 for simple items like plain t-shirts or scarves, I can't help but cringe. When there's literally nothing special about a garment except for the designer's name, I call foul.

3. Knock-offs
As someone who plans to be a member of the fashion industry, knock-offs are a big annoyance to me. Buying and selling knock-off items really hurt the industry and take profits away from hard-working designers who deserve it. In addition, a large percentage of knock-offs don't even look like the actual items! The whole knock-off business really just needs to end.

4. Sweatshops
This is more of a pet peeve with capitalism in general, but I really detest sweatshops. No matter how cheap the cost of your garments end up to be, designers should never settle to oppressing underpaid men, women and children. More often than not, sweatshops workers have no choice but to work for these companies because they have little other opportunities. Sweatshops are a complete injustice and should be banned from the world economy.

5. Louis Vuitton
'Nuff said. Every Louis Vuitton product perpetually irritates me. Seeing the LV logo thrown all over a bag just makes me want to puke.

6. Body standards/fat shaming
This is an issue I have with the whole world, but it's really prominent in the fashion industry in particular. It seems as though some renowned names in fashion do not understand that people come in all shapes and sizes, and clothing should reflect that. I hate the idea that an hourglass woman with a big bust, tiny waist, and large hips is the ideal woman, and all other shapes are unacceptable. I can't stand seeing runway shows where all the models are all the same size (and often the same race). I also really hate advertisements that only feature thin models. Not everyone is a size two, and being any size larger than that is NOT a crime. All bodies are beautiful.

That's all I can think of for now! I might add on to these the more I think of them. Please comment down below and add your own!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August Lifestyle Challenge

Hello, everyone!

This month, the school year has begun again for many of us. Now, if you're like me, you're thinking, "Boo, hiss!"

However, attitude is everything whenever approaching new situations. This current school year is my senior year of high school, which is really quite daunting for me. To tackle this fear I've been having, I decided that the lifestyle challenge this month is:

    accept change.

I've realized that looking at change as not necessarily a bad thing, but an opportunity for new, positive experiences. Here's to a good school year (for those of you in school) and a fulfilling month for us all!